Page PropertyThe Page Property, located at 3920 Canyon Road, is approximately 3 miles northeast of the City of Willits in the eastern foothills of Little Lake Valley. The Property is located on a hill between two seasonal creeks; Darby Creek to the north and west; and Page Creek to the southeast. The Page Property was owned and operated as a landfill by the City of Willits from approximately 1948 through 1969. Municipal waste (residential, commercial and industrial) collected from both within the City and the County of Mendocino, was disposed of at the Page Property during the landfill's operational period. Mr. Wilson Page was hired by the City to operate and maintain the landfill during this period. In addition to these landfill operations, liquid wastes from industrial facilities located in the Willits area, including the Remco Facility, were hauled by Mr. Page and disposed of in ponds at the Page Site from approximately 1966 to 1974. Liquid septic wastes from residential and commercial customers in the Willits area were also hauled by Mr. Page and disposed of at the Page Site. The Willits Trust has performed remedial investigation activities to characterize the nature and extent of contamination at the Property associated with wastes reportedly hauled by Mr. Page from the former Remco Hydraulics Facility. In 2008, the Willits Trust completed the characterization of the Property and prepared a Remedial Investigation (RI) Report that summarizes the nature and extent of contamination at the Property. In 2012, the Willits Trust completed a risk assessment (RA) that evaluates current and potential future risks associated with exposure to Site contaminants and in 2013 prepared a feasibility study (FS) that evaluates alternative remedial actions and recommends final remedial actions for the Page Property. During the characterization of the Page Property and preparation of RA and FS reports, the Willits Trust has made substantial progress at cleaning up the property through the implementation of interim remedial actions. Further information regarding these activities can be found on the Document Depository. |