Document Depository

Welcome to the online document library (or "Document Depository") for the Willits Environmental Remediation Trust. The Document Depository provides access to electronic versions of project documents.


Click to enter document depository


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Are all documents that were previously at the former Document Depository at 675 South Main Street accessible online?

A1: Yes. The collection also is continuously updated with newly released project documents.

When you enter the Depository by clicking the "Enter" button above , you will see a list of all project documents, similar to the picture just below, with the newest documents listed first. You can scroll through them page by page, view them on your computer screen, or download them as Adobe Acrobat® files to your computer. You can also use the search area to find a particular document by selecting a project (typically a location like the Former Remco Hydraulics Facility or the Page Property) and clicking "Search" to narrow the document list. Other useful searches like document dates or title words are also available. Please try it out and let us know what you think (Leave Feedback).

Depository document list

Thank you for your interest.